Create a video for your nonprofit. Learn how to make a short, compelling, and professional-looking video on a limited budget.
- Welcome
- The video-making process
- Important video terms and concepts
- An introduction to the Filmic Pro app
- Learning about CRED
- Meeting the course participants
- Promoting and branding difficult ideas
- Exploring ideas, audience, and goals
- Exploring substance
- Scripting the video
- Location scouting
- Scheduling the shoot and nailing down logistics
- Setting up the equipment
- Planning on-site logistics
- Behind-the-scenes 1: Shooting artistic scenes
- Behind-the-scenes 2: Shooting interviews
- Behind-the-scenes 3: Gathering additional visuals and audio
- Organizing the assets
- Editing the interviews and B-roll
- Incorporating the artistic elements
- Adding visuals, music, and more
- Finishing the video
- The finished video
- A conversation with Arne Duncan: Talking about CRED
- Next steps
Taught by
Ashley Kennedy