Transform the findings from your data science projects into high-quality reports and presentations. Learn how to create interactive web experiences and printable PDFs.
- Report your data with R Markdown
- What you should know
- What is Markdown?
- What is R Markdown?
- Writing PDF reports in R Markdown
- Writing HTML reports in R Markdown
- Writing HTML presentations in R Markdown
- What else can you build with R Markdown?
- What are LaTeX and BibTeX?
- Setting up TeX for generating R Markdown reports
- Installing Pandoc
- Installing R Markdown
- R Markdown, knitting, and generating outputs
- The YAML header of an .Rmd file
- Code chunks and global code chunk settings
- Writing and running R code in R Markdown files
- Splitting documents into sections or slides in R Markdown
- Tabbed sections in R Markdown HTML reports
- Formatting text in R Markdown files
- Bullets and lists in R Markdown
- Name your code chunks sensibly
- Including code from script files
- What are Slidy, ioslides, and Beamer?
- Features of ioslides presentations
- Features of Slidy presentations
- PDF presentations with Beamer
- ggplot2 and plots in R Markdown documents
- Globally set figure size
- Change the size of individual outputs
- Inserting images with include_graphics()
- Inserting images using raw HTML
- Inserting images using raw LaTeX
- Inserting URL based images using raw LaTeX
- Displaying tables in R Markdown
- Markdown tables in .Rmd
- Formatting printed data.frames and Tibbles
- Formatting tables with kable()
- Interactive tables with DT
- Captions in R Markdown
- Captions with bookdown
- Using custom styles in R Markdown
- Styling HTML reports in R Markdown
- Styling PDF reports in R Markdown
- Overriding Markdown in .Rmd files
- Display LaTeX or HTML in .Rmd files
- Run LaTeX in PDF documents
- Run HTML in R Markdown
- htmlwidgets and R Markdown
- htmlwidgets in PDF .Rmd documents
- htmlwidgets in HTML .Rmd documents
- Publishing with
- Publishing R Markdown HTML to the web
- Next steps
Taught by
Charlie Joey Hadley