Learn how to use Photoshop, After Effects, and other tools to explore the creative options of cinemagraphs. In addition, learn how to create plotagraphs with Plotagraph Pro.
- Welcome
- What you should know before watching this course
- Using the exercise files
- Core features of a cinemagraph image
- Core features of a plotagraph image
- A look at the dynamic content movement
- Composing a dynamic shot
- Stabilizing the camera
- When to shoot video for cinemagraphs
- When to shoot timelapse for cinemagraphs
- When to shoot a still for a plotagraph
- Combining stills with video or timelapse
- Determining frame size and frame rate
- File format considerations
- Shooting demo, putting it all together
- Platform specific advice
- GIF vs. movie: The delivery detabte
- Loading a movie into Photoshop
- Loading an image sequence into Photoshop
- Adjusting frames rates in Photoshop
- Compositing the image with Motion
- Refining masks in Photoshop
- Looping strategies with Photoshop
- Color correction and enhancement
- Exporting a movie-based animation from Photoshop
- Saving a GIF-based animation from Photoshop
- Loading an image sequence into Flixel
- Loading a video into Flixel
- Trimming media to a new duration
- Creating and refining masks in Flixel
- Creating a loop method with Flixel
- Color correction and enhancement
- Exporting a movie based animation from Flixel
- Exporting a GIF-based animation from Flixel
- Posting to social media from Fixel
- Creating on the go with Flixel Mobile
- Loading a video into Cliplets
- Choosing the background frame
- Masking the video in Cliplets
- Creating a loop method with Cliplets
- Exporting a GIF-based animation from Cliplets
- Creating on the go with Microsoft Pix
- Uploading an image to Plotagraph Pro
- Masking a photo in Plotagraph Pro
- Adding animation points in Plotagraph Pro
- Previewing and refining animation with Plotagraph Pro
- Adding an overlay image in Plotagraph Pro
- Exporting a GIF from Plotagraph Pro
- Exporting a movie from Plotagraph Pro
- Loading a movie Into After Effects
- Loading an image sequence into After Effects
- Duplicating and reversing a clip to make a loop in After Effects
- Splitting a clip to make a loop in After Effects
- Compositing the frozen image with Motion
- Creating and refining masks in After Effects
- Color correction and enhancement
- Exporting a movie-based animation from After Effects
- Exporting a GIF with Adobe Media Encoder
- Recompressing GIF images with Photoshop
- Recompressing video with Adobe Media Encoder
- Recompressing video with Apple Compressor
- Posting dynamic content to Facebook
- Posting dynamic content to YouTube
- Posting dynamic content to Twitter
- Posting dynamic content to Instagram
- Summary
Taught by
Richard Harrington