Learn how to set up an open-source project in Python using tools that this course will introduce to you.
- Create an open-source project in Python
- What you should know
- What is Poetry?
- Install Poetry
- Starting a project
- What is pyproject.toml?
- Adding dependencies
- Poetry lock and install
- Checkpoint: What you have so far
- What is pytest?
- Introduction to your project
- Writing simple tests
- Testing with multiple parameters
- Test if an exception is raised
- What is a fixture?
- Using fixture
- Skipping a test, with good reasons
- Checkpoint: What you have so far
- What is PEP 8?
- What is Black?
- Formatting your code with Black
- What is a linter?
- Linting your code with Flake8
- Using pre-commit to clean up automatically
- Checkpoint: What you have so far
- What is tox?
- tox basic usage
- tox advance usage
- Checkpoint: What you have so far
- What is GitHub Action?
- Setting up a workflow for testing
- Why do you need code coverage?
- Adding code coverage to workflow
- Open-source project with good practice
Taught by
Cheuk Ting Ho