Learn how to create useful and user-friendly web forms with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Discover how to create login, booking, payment, search, and other custom forms.
- Making your forms great
- What you should know
- Using the exercise files
- How HTML forms work
- Basic setup for a form
- GET and POST methods
- Fieldsets and legends
- Working with labels
- New HTML5 form tags
- New input types
- New input attributes
- More input attributes
- Form validate options
- Input restrictions: Pattern
- Buttons
- Autocomplete
- Form layout tips
- Styling labels and inputs
- Focus styles
- Using pseudo-classes to be more specific
- Custom checkboxes
- Radio buttons
- Toggle switch
- Styling select, part 1
- Styling select, part 2
- Float labels
- The registration process
- Login form flow chart and landing page
- Building the login page
- Password visibility
- Build and style a sign-up form
- Using tooltips for more information
- Password strength
- Login and registration form summary
- What is a booking form?
- Creating custom radio buttons
- Making selections
- Dates and date pickers
- Using the stepper component
- Booking form fix for mobile
- Booking form summary
- Organizing a payment form
- Flow and order
- Order summary overview
- Personal details summary
- Payment stepper
- Input mask
- Auto-populating city and state
- Shipping
- Handling payment, part 1
- Handling payment, part 2
- Handling payment, part 3
- Review and confirmation pages
- Search forms: What are they?
- Tips for adding search
- Add and style a search component
- Build a growing search bar
- Touchscreen fix
- Mobile fix
- Displaying search results
- Form accessibility
- Labeling and describing with ARIA
- Using ARIA
- Client-side form validation
- CSS validation
- JavaScript validation
- Good error messages
- Success page
- Next steps
Taught by
Emily Kay