Learn how to develop data-driven web apps using the R language and Shiny.
- Build, test, and deploy apps easily in Shiny
- Course organization and prerequisites
- What is Shiny?
- What are data apps?
- Why build data apps with Shiny?
- Run Shiny apps on your own machine
- Quit Shiny apps on your local machine
- Deploying apps to shinyapps.io
- Deploying apps with Shiny Server
- Single file apps with shinyApp
- Split-file apps
- What belongs in the ui.R file?
- What belongs in the server.R file?
- Creating a simple Shiny app from scratch
- Understanding input$var and output$plot
- Render and output functions
- Using the session argument
- Never duplicate inputs or outputs
- Choose a table solution
- Static tables with renderTable
- Static tables with kableExtra
- Interactive tables with DT
- Shiny apps and data 101
- Include data files in a Shiny app
- Shiny and packages that connect to API
- Shiny and .httr-oauth files
- Shiny and R environmental variables
- Populate pull-down menus from data
- Labeling choices in selectInput
- Interdependent controls to filter data
- Control app updates with actionButton
- Allow users to download data from an app
- Download data from DT tables
- Allow users to upload data to an app
- Use rhandsontable to collect data
- Problem-solving in Shiny apps 101
- Printing to the R console in Shiny apps
- Debug apps with shinyjs::runcodeUI
- Using reactlog to debug Shiny apps
- Applying custom CSS to Shiny apps
- Inserting images into Shiny apps
- Show loading spinners in Shiny apps
- Where can you deploy Shiny apps?
- Connecting RStudio with shinyapps.io
- Managing Shiny apps with rsconnect
- Programmatically deploying apps
- Next steps
Taught by
Charlie Joey Hadley