Create a budget that meets you where you are. Learn how to budget based on your values, set achievable goals, balance spending and saving, and more.
- How to create a budget
- Use your core values
- Set excellent goals
- Pick your system and set up your budget
- Balance spending and saving to excel
- How to make fun part of your budget
- How non-monthly expenses throw off your budget
- Using non-monthly savings to monthletize expenses
- Money beliefs and their power
- Changing your money beliefs
- What your environment looks like
- How to control your environment
- Find the problem
- Move your boulders and pebbles
- What if income is the problem?
- Common pitfalls for those with inconsistent income
- Cover your monthly minimum
- Make progress on goals by percentage
- A good budget is set for success
Taught by
Natalie Taylor and Madecraft