Learn how to iterate and automate your designs with the intelligent tools in Autodesk Inventor: parameters, iFeatures, iMates, iParts, iAssemblies, and iLogic.
- Avoiding design fatigue
- What you should know
- Overview of the data sets
- Importance of parameters and equations
- Parameter basics
- Equations in parameters
- User parameters
- Functions in parameters
- Summary and best practices
- iFeatures overview
- Setting up a part to be an iFeature
- Publishing iFeatures
- Adding parameters to iFeatures
- Creating table-driven iFeatures
- Adding intelligence to iFeatures
- Summary and best practices
- What are iMates?
- Creating a simple iMate
- Creating composite iMates
- Inferring iMates from existing constraints
- Summary and best practices
- Introduction to iParts
- Creating and defining a simple iPart
- Creating and defining a more complex iPart
- Placing iParts in assemblies
- Standard iParts vs. custom iParts
- Summary and best practices
- Overview of iAssembly configurations
- Creating iAssemblies
- Example of iAssembly
- Creating multiple iAssembly configurations
- Summary and best practices
- Overview of iLogic configurations
- Preparing a part for iLogic
- Part-level rules
- Building an iLogic configurator form
- Configuring the front frame
- Configuring the step assemblies
- Configuring the rear frame and platform
- Introduction to generative design
- Summary and best practices
- Next steps
Taught by
Nathan Eliason