Use AutoCAD for computer-aided facilities management (CAFM). Learn about how to turn available areas into defined spaces and use the data to annotate drawings or analyze in Excel.
- Welcome
- What you should know before watching this course
- Using the exercise files
- What is facilities management?
- Using space management in AutoCAD
- Managing your spaces
- Using a proprietary title block
- Working with the structural drawing (FP)
- Creating your facilities drawing (FM)
- Referencing in the structural drawing
- Managing XREF layers
- Drawing units
- Drawing limits
- Layer naming strategy
- Setting gradient fills
- Setting hatch patterns
- Why use polylines?
- Using object snaps
- Creating space polylines
- Using different space types
- Methods of measurement
- Using object snaps and centerlines
- Using draw order
- Using lineweight (LWT)
- Creating a space legend on your drawing
- Text styles
- Annotative scaling
- Using text fields
- Text field settings
- Using blocks and attributes
- Setting up space text on the drawing
- Using text symbols
- Setting up the space table style
- Setting up the table title
- Setting up the table headers
- Setting up the table data
- Inserting the area table
- Locating polyline area data
- Adding space area attribute data
- Exporting space table data to Excel
- Editing exported space table data in Excel
- Next steps
Taught by
Shaun Bryant