Learn powerful new skills to start utilizing dimensioning annotation in AutoCAD drawings.
- Using AutoCAD to dimension and annotate your drawings
- Working with dimension annotation
- What are dimension styles and dimension style families?
- Other AutoCAD courses in the library
- Using the exercise files
- Dimensioning with the AutoCAD interface
- Creating a new dimension annotation layer and using the dimension layer override
- Using the dimension tool (DIM)
- Using Linear, Aligned, and Angular dimensions
- Using Arc Length, Radius, and Diameter dimensions
- Using Jogged Radius and Ordinate dimensions
- Using the Quick Dimension tool (QDIM)
- Using Baseline and Continued
- Adding jog lines to linear and aligned dimensions
- Adding Center Marks and Centerlines for easy dimensioning
- Creating a regular dimension style
- Adding dimensions using a new dimension style
- Creating an annotative dimension style
- Adding annotative dimensions to a drawing
- Converting a regular dimension to an annotative dimension
- Adding an annotative object scale to dimensions
- Altering the visibility of annotative dimensions in layout viewports
- Using grips to edit dimensions
- Editing dimension text
- Using dimension text overrides
- Updating and reassociating dimension annotation
- Working with other dimensioning tools on the Dimensions ribbon panel
- Creating dimension style sub-styles (families)
- Working with dimension style overrides
- Deleting and purging dimension styles and families
- Dimensioning using geometry
- Creating annotative dimensions using active layout viewports
- More features in the dimension tool (DIM)
- Moving forward with annotative dimensioning
Taught by
Shaun Bryant