Learn how to use annotation scaling in AutoCAD to effectively scale objects in your layout. Learn about text, blocks, hatching, multileaders, and more.
- Welcome
- What you should know before watching this course
- Using the exercise files
- The new AutoCAD 2019 interface
- What is annotation scaling in AutoCAD?
- Why use annotation scaling?
- How do you use annotation scaling effectively?
- Text
- Multiline text
- Blocks and attributes
- Hatches
- Dimensions and dimension styles
- Geometric tolerances
- Multileaders and multileader styles
- Setting up a text layer
- Single-line text
- Multiline text
- Text styles
- Annotation scales and viewport scales
- Working with layer 0
- Setting up an annotative block
- Setting up an annotative attribute
- Inserting blocks and attributes into the drawing
- Managing annotative attributes
- Setting up a hatch layer
- Setting a hatch to be annotative
- Annotation scales and viewport scales
- Using a dimensioning layer
- Setting up a dimensioning text style
- Making the dimension style annotative
- Placing the annotative dimensions
- Adding and deleting annotative scales
- Setting up a tolerances layer
- Setting up the tolerances style
- Adding tolerances to the drawing
- Annotation scales and viewport scales
- Adding and deleting annotative scales
- Using the dimensions layer for multileaders
- Setting the multileader style
- Placing annotative multileaders
- Adding and deleting annotative scales
- The DWG compare command
- Generating a comparison drawing
- Comparing your annotation scaling
- Next steps
Taught by
Shaun Bryant