Get started with AutoCAD 2018. Learn how to quickly and effectively navigate the user interface and create precise designs with this powerful software.
- Welcome
- What you should know before watching this course
- Using the exercise files
- Exploring the user interface
- Using the ribbon
- Changing workspaces
- Using the status bar
- Using the drawing tabs
- Using the navigation bar
- Using the ViewCube
- The shortcut menu
- File navigation dialog boxes
- Drafting Settings dialog box
- Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)
- Opening, saving, and closing files
- Setting drawing units
- Converting drawing units
- Editing and managing options
- Using template files–DWT
- Using Zoom commands
- Using pan
- Using the mouse
- Using the ViewCube
- Using the navigation bar
- Model and layout
- Saving and restoring views
- Lines
- Circles
- Arcs
- Ellipses
- Polylines and splines
- Rectangles and polygons
- Points and donuts
- Selecting objects
- Using Move and Copy
- Using Scale and Rotate
- Creating and using arrays
- Using Offset and Mirror
- Using Trim and Extend
- Using Stretch and Lengthen
- Using Break and Join
- Using grips and grip editing
- Using boundaries
- Using Fillet and Chamfer
- Using Divide and Measure
- Editing Polylines and Splines
- Using off-screen selection
- Using linetype gap selection
- Using Grid and Snap
- Working with coordinates
- Using Polar Tracking
- Using Dynamic Input
- Using object snaps
- Using object-snap tracking
- Using ISODRAFT with isometric drawings
- Using the Hatch command
- Using the Gradient command
- Editing hatches and gradients
- Working with text styles
- Single-line text
- Multiline Text (MTEXT)
- Aligning text
- Framing text in a title block
- Settings for changing text to MTEXT
- Selecting text objects
- Justification
- Numbered and lettered list formatting
- Uniform line spacing
- Working with dimension styles
- Using dimensions
- Editing dimensions and dimension overrides
- Breaking dimensions
- Spacing dimensions
- Continue dimensions
- Baseline dimensions
- Automatic dimensioning
- Using multileaders
- Working with object properties
- Changing the linetype scale
- Using Hide and Isolate
- New layers and the layer dropdown menu
- Using the layer tools
- Other layer tools
- Grouping objects
- Creating and using blocks
- Redefining block definitions
- Using the Explode command
- Creating a simple dynamic block
- Using WBLOCK
- Accessing external blocks from the Internet
- Working with attribute definitions
- Creating a block with attributes
- Working with table styles
- Designing a table
- Adding fields to a table
- Working with XREFs
- Attaching and overlaying XREFs
- Clipping XREFs
- Editing XREFs
- Editing XREFs in place
- Unnamed drawings
- Updating reference paths
- Missing reference files
- Changing path type
- Finding and replacing reference files
- Renaming unloaded references
- Creating a layout and adding a viewport
- Locking viewports
- Freezing viewport layers
- Adding a title block: Part 1
- Adding a title block: Part 2
- Using annotative text styles
- Using annotative dimensions
- Using revision clouds
- Page setups
- Plotting from Model and Layout tabs
- Packaging with eTransmit
- Batch plotting
- Outputting to different file formats
- Sharing design views from AutoCAD
- Setting a PDF layer
- Using the PDFIMPORT command
- SHX text recognition with the PDFSHXTEXT command
- Using the PDFATTACH command
- High-resolution monitor support in AutoCAD
- Improved DWG save performance
- 3D DWG file performance in AutoCAD
- Enhanced 2D display performance
- Next steps
Taught by
Shaun Bryant