Learn the architecture of the MVC framework by exploring the life cycle of an HTTP request as it travels through the ASP.NET platform and the MVC framework.
- Welcome
- What you should know
- Sample application introduction
- Introduction to the request life cycle
- Explore global application events
- Initialize code before application start
- Examine HTTP request life cycle events
- Subscribe to HTTP application events
- Challenge: Global error handling
- Solution: Global error handling
- HTTP module overview
- Build a custom request processing module
- Introduction to HTTP handlers
- Implement a custom HTTP handler
- Choose between handlers and modules
- Introduction to routing
- URL routing module overview
- Understand route handlers
- Configure convention-based routing
- Explore attribute routing
- Challenge: Create a custom route
- Solution: Create a custom route
- Controller basics
- Understand controller initialization
- Create a custom controller factory
- Explore the role of dependency resolvers
- Define a custom dependency resolver
- Introduction to action invocation
- Understand action method selection
- Work with action selector attributes
- Apply authentication and authorization filters
- Explore the model binding feature
- Action execution with action filters
- Implement a custom action filter
- Challenge: Adding a new course
- Solution: Adding a new course
- Overview of action result execution
- Explore action result types
- View initialization and rendering
- Create a custom view engine
- Challenge: A landing page for courses
- Solution: A landing page for courses
- Next steps
Taught by
Janan Siam