Learn how to develop modern, dynamic web applications with the ASP.NET MVC 5 framework.
- Powerful web applications with MVC 5
- What you should know
- Tools used
- Demo project overview
- Model-view-controller (MVC) pattern
- Advantages of MVC
- Visual Studio new project dialog
- Walking through the new project template
- How MVC services requests
- Startup configuration and global routing
- Handling events in Global.asax
- App config with App_Start
- Putting the pieces together
- Using controllers and action methods
- Returning a view response
- Using other response helpers
- Attribute routing
- Advanced attribute routing
- Securing your app with filters
- Customizing your actions with filters
- Altering action results with filters
- Handling exceptions with filters
- View folder organized by convention
- Razor: Transitioning from code to markup
- Implicit/explicit expressions and blocks
- Adding comments to Razor
- Handling form posts with IsPost
- Passing data from the controller
- Bringing models and views together
- Building HTML with HTML Helpers
- Advanced use of HTML Helpers
- Define your own inline HTML Helpers
- Creating custom HTML Helpers
- Sharing layouts
- Using bundles and sections in layouts
- Rendering partial views
- Escaping the @ symbol
- Data models vs. view models
- Building models with Entity Framework
- Validation with data annotations
- Validation with ModelState
- Displaying validation in the view
- Building custom validation attributes
- Testing a controller's selected view
- Testing a controller's view data
- Next steps
Taught by
Jess Chadwick