Learn about authentication and authorization, traditional and token-based authentication, and how to set up this new authentication mechanism in .NET Core applications.
- Why use exception token-based authentication?
- What you should know
- Authentication vs. authorization
- Cookie-based vs. token-based authentication
- What is identity platform?
- JSON Web Token
- Setting up Entity Framework Core
- Adding default identity tables using EF Core
- Configuring token-based authentication
- Adding the authentication controller
- Registering new users using UserManager
- Logging in users
- Generating an access token
- Adding the RefreshToken table
- Generating and storing refresh tokens
- Injecting TokenValidationParameters
- Refreshing expired tokens
- Seeding the database with roles
- Adding role claims to tokens
- Adding role authentication to a controller
- Adding multiple roles to a controller
- Next steps for learning more token-based authentication
Taught by
Ervis Trupja