Learn how to use the GraphQL.NET framework to build a GraphQL endpoint. Discover how to create a GraphQL project, configure the schema, allow updates through mutations, and more.
- Welcome
- What you should know
- Using exercise files
- What is GraphQL.NET?
- Running on Mac and Linux
- What we're going to build
- Creating the GraphQL API solution
- How to enable querying
- Create models
- Create customer service
- Create order service
- How to configure the schema
- Create customer and order GraphQL types
- Create OrderStatuses GraphQL enum
- Configure the GraphQL query and schema
- Enable server and issue a query
- How to enable mutations
- Update models and services
- Update the schema
- Configure the schema
- Create a mutation and verify the change
- How to enable subscriptions
- Start updating models and services
- Complete updating models and services
- New GraphQL.NET schema classes
- Create the OrderEventType
- Create the OrdersSubscription
- Configure the schema
- Create a subscription and fire a notification
- Next steps
Taught by
Glenn Block