Learn the essentials of Android app development. Find out how to build simple and responsive user interfaces using Kotlin and the Android SDK.
- User interface design
- What you should know
- Using the exercise files
- Position views with LinearLayout
- Manage positions with constraints
- Distribute views with constraint chains
- Display views programmatically
- Get view references with findViewById()
- Get view references with view binding
- Challenge: Get in line
- Solution: Get in line
- Manage string values as resources
- Manage data entry with EditText
- Manage data entry with TextInputLayout
- Use string resources with placeholders
- Display Snackbar messages
- Challenge: Get to know you
- Solution: Get to know you
- Display image resources
- Load image resources at runtime
- Reduce file size with WebP images
- Use XML-based VectorDrawable images
- Create icons in Android Studio
- Challenge: Load a network image
- Solution: Load a network image
- Define visual styles and themes
- Configure Material Design theme colors
- Define custom styles
- Next steps
Taught by
Annyce Davis