Where to start to innovate your teaching? But before that, what does it mean to innovate in the classroom? Designing Learning Innovation aims to put the designing culture at the service of learning innovation, supporting those who do not have a specific pedagogical background and those who wish to learn the basic tools of a good teaching design then to continue exploring the frontiers of innovation.
A set of logical and methodological tools to innovate teaching, finding the most suitable approaches with one’s own vision of the teaching-learning experience.
If you actively participate in this course, at the end you will be able to:
- apply the Learning Innovation Network framework to describe and design your course;
- design your course taking into consideration the characteristics of all the actors involved in the network;
- apply simple strategies for managing an active approach in small, medium and large classrooms;
- design and produce quality teaching materials also enhancing the availability of “Open Educational Resources”;
- leverage the external world to design and manage your course.
The MOOC is realized in a strongly integrated way with the book “Designing Learning Innovation” published by Pearson (the english version is the translation of the italian one already published and accessible here https://www.bookrepublic.it/ebook/9788891926067-designing-learning-innovation-pearson/)
In the course you will find video lessons and infographic articulated as in the book. You will also encounter different types of activities which will contribute to make your experience richer and more complete.
- Why Learning Innovation
- In this first week you will have an introduction to the course.
- The Learning Innovation Network: active classroom
- In this week we will focus, in particular, on the use of Networked Learning to plan learning innovation, starting by identifying and representing the subjects of teaching and learning experience and the definition and description of learning activities for active classes.
- The Learning Innovation Network: contents and useful connections
- In the third week we are going to focus on the planning related to content, channels of communication and strategies to integrate the “outside world” as well as monitoring finalized to assess the efficacy of teaching innovation interventions.
Taught by
Susanna Sancassani, Federica Brambilla and Daniela Casiraghi