Learn how to make the most of university and start building your career
Thinking about the future as an undergraduate can be both exciting and terrifying - especially with regular news about changing job markets. How are you supposed to prepare for a future that’s unknown? A university degree can be a great start if your time at university is put to good use. Use this course to find out how to get the most from your university experience and start working towards a successful and satisfying career now.
No previous knowledge or skills are required for this course. Confidence in navigating the web would be an advantage.
We’ve estimated it takes approximately four hours to complete the course. However the activities in Week 1 may be new to you and take a little longer than two hours, whereas the activities in Week 2 are more decision based and may take less than two hours. Of course if you dive deeply into all of the activities you may spend longer on the course but you’ll learn a lot about yourself and careers in the process.