This course will take the student through the basics of visual development: from visual storytelling to character design; from creatures to environment design. Beginning with simple visual elements, the student will learn how to create images that tell a story visually, as well as support a production in animation, live action, and video games.
Visual Storytelling for Film and Video Games
Ringling College of Art + Design via Kadenze
- Write review
- Visual Components
- In this session we will analyze the visual components within character design.
- Pushing The Design Of The Character
- This session will cover creating preliminary character sketches expanding from the previous session.
- Prop Design
- In this session you will learn how to create a prop in relation to the design of your character.
- Character Design
- In this session, we'll learn how to design a character through different visual perspectives. Shaping facial expressions and anatomy references will also be covered.
- Anatomy, Story And Creature Design, Part One
- This session will cover developing a creature design.
- Creature Design, Part Two
- This session will go over transforming silhouettes into rough sketches and how gestures can influence the personality of your characters.
- Creating an Environment
- In this session we'll learn how to create a believable environment in which to stage a character.
- Moving The Eye Of The Viewer
- This session will cover building compositions and rendering characteristic details like light and color within an environmental design.
Taught by
Ken Spirduso
3.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
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Since I was auditing the class I was not allowed to post any of my work so I felt disconnected from the course and other auditors. I watched up to the third video and lost interest.