This course is for experienced, busy developers who want to build something now! And building a small, Phoenix-like web framework from scratch is a fun and engaging way to learn all the facets of Elixir and the OTP libraries. The application involves:
We build this application step by step in a clear, logical progression. You see exactly how everything gets put together to build a real Elixir/OTP application. It's as if we're sitting down together building the app from start to finish. And yeah, there are a few bad puns along the way, but we do try to make it fun. 🤪
- modeling with structs and other data structures
- pattern matching to transform HTTP requests to responses
- file and socket I/O
- handling requests in concurrent processes
- running asynchronous tasks
- storing state in GenServers
- using Supervisors to recover from failures
We build this application step by step in a clear, logical progression. You see exactly how everything gets put together to build a real Elixir/OTP application. It's as if we're sitting down together building the app from start to finish. And yeah, there are a few bad puns along the way, but we do try to make it fun. 🤪