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History of Russia: from Peter the Great to the Revolution

Saint Petersburg State University via Coursera

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The course was created with the support of the «History of Motherland» fund (
This course offers unique lectures by the leading professors of St. Petersburg State University, interesting assignments, interactive maps and much more. The online course «History of Russia» follows the tradition of teaching Russian history at St. Petersburg State University, which is distinguished by its approach to the analysis of historical problems and the scientific understanding of events, periods, epochs in their historical relationship. Thoroughly selected factual material serves as the basis that enables learners to conduct an independent analysis of the history of Russian state. The course covers the history of the Russian state throughout its entire length (from the 9th to the 21st century) and the learners are welcome to join the discussion on the topical issues of Russian history. Upon completion of the course, learners will shape a structured understanding of the main stages of Russian history, based on facts and concepts that are established and acknowledged in historiography.

Course program:
1. Russia in the 18th Century.
2. Russia in the First Half of the 19th century.
3. Russia in the Second Half of the 19th century.
4. Russia at the Beginning of the XX century.
5. Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War.


  • Russia in the 18th Century
    • The first module is devoted to the history of Russia in the 18th century. Lecturer - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Ivan Vladimirovich Merkulov.
  • Russia in the First Half of the 19th Century
    • The second module of the course is devoted to the history of Russia in the first half of the 19th century. Lecturer - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Alexander Eduardovich Kotov.
  • Russia in the Second Half of the 19th Century
    • In the third module, you will learn about the history of Russia in the second half of the 19th century. Lecturer - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Alexander Eduardovich Kotov.
  • Russia at the Beginning of the XX Century
    • The fourth module is devoted to the history of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Lecturer - Doctor of Historical Sciences Andrey Aleksandrovich Ivanov.
  • Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War
    • The last module is devoted to the history of Russia, which is devoted to a turning point in the life of the country. Lecturer - Doctor of Historical Sciences Mikhail Viktorovich Khodyakov.

Taught by

Шапошник Вячеслав Валентинович/Shaposhnik Vyacheslav, Полынов Матвей Федорович/Polynov Matvey, Сухорукова Анна Сергеевна/Sukhorukova Anna, Соколов Роман Александрович/Sokolov Roman, Иванов Андрей Александрович/Ivanov Andrey, Твердюкова Елена Дмитриевна/Tverdyukova Elena, Дворниченко Андрей Юрьевич/ Dvornichenko Andrey, Ратьковский Илья Сергеевич/Ratkovsky Ilya, Кривошеев Юрий Владимирович/Krivosheev Yuri and Котов Александр Эдуардович/Kotov Alexander


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