The Global Teach-Out on 17th till the 20th of October 2018 will address the various dimensions of human rights here at Coursera. It is timed to coincide with the opening on the ‘Young One World’ Summit in The Hague where more than 1500 young people from all corners of the globe will meet to discuss the issue of human rights. At the same time as this physical meeting takes place in The Hague (the city of peace and justice) the global community in cyberspace will also address the various dimensions of human rights. You will join citizens from all over the world, who will contribute to an online discussion on various human rights with scholarly input in the form of podcasts from over 20 academic instructors, including some contributions from advocacy groups addressing the urgency of issues. The event will end with a live streamed discussion, hosted in The Hague by Leiden University, where you can ask questions of some of the participating academics as well as participants from all over the world.
When you leave the discussion, you will each be invited to record ‘the one thing’ that you will take away from the teach-out. This online discussion on legal and civic rights around the globe is unique in trying to address justice, peace, liberty and freedom at this scale.
We have chosen podcasts to lighten the download time out of respect for areas that have less access to the internet. We want the community to be as inclusive as possible. The official language is English, but we encourage local meet ups so you can continue offline in your own native language.
Global Human Rights Teach-out Timetable
Revision date 17-10-2018
WEDNESDAY 17 OCTOBER (Leiden Time which is UTC/GMT +2 )
10.00 Prof dr Stephen Angle (Wesleyan University, USA): Is “human rights” a Western concept?
12.00 Dr. Jeff Handmaker (ISS, Erasmus University, Netherlands): Legal Mobilization of Human Rights in a Time of Crisis
14.00 : Ass. Prof. dr. Jorge Contesse (Rutgers, State University New Jersey, USA): The pushback against international human rights institutions and how they may respond
16.00 Prof. dr. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas (Åbo Akademi University Vasa, Finland): Linguistic Human Rights and Linguistic Genocide in Education
18.00 Prof. dr. Robert Phillipson (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark): Myths about ‘global’ English, and the weaknesses of the HR/EU system on actionable human rights
20.00 Dr Kate Gilmore ((Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations, Australia): How do Human Rights and SDG’s connect?
22.00 Dr. Christophe Golay (University of Geneva, Switzerland): The synergies between Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the SDGs
1.00 Prof. dr. Niamh Reilly (National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland): 25 years of women’s rights as human rights: gains, gaps and opportunities
3.00 Dr. Nurul Huda Mohd Razif (IIAS, Leiden University, Netherlands) The Human Rights of Women in Marriage
5.00 Selin Dilli (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NL): Formal and Informal discrimination of women by economic institutions.
7.00 Chris Hoffman (World Vision) Rights of the Child
10.00 Ass. Prof. Dr. Ezequiel González Ocantos (Nuffield College, University of Oxford, UK) Bringing dictators to account
12:10 LiveStream One Young World plenary session: Kumi Naidoo (Secretary General Amnesty) SDGs, where do human rights fit in?
14.00 Prof. dr. Alejandro Anaya-Muñoz (ITESO, Mexico): The role of willingness in the compliance with international human rights norms
16:07 Livestream One Young World: Amber Heard The world’s most vulnerable people: why we need to do more to help refugees
17:00 Prof. dr. Sarah Joseph (Monash University, Australia): Business and Human rights
19:00 Dan Owen, Anna Autio and Oliver Mukarji (Worldbank) World Bank: Applying Human Rights in Practice
21:00 Prof. Kees Waaldijk LLM (Leiden University, Netherlands): Same-sex couples and the international human right to marry
23.00 Prof. dr. Jayne Huckerby (Duke University, USA): Human rights in the context of combating trafficking in persons
1.00 Prof. dr. Megan Glick (Wesleyan University, USA): The figure of the "animal" in human rights discourses
3.00 Dr. Dean Spielmann ( former pres European court Human Rights, ): The principle of subsidiarity and the international protection of human rights
5.00 Andrew Stroehlein (Human Rights Watch) Rise of authoritarian populism in the West
7.00 dr. Kerem Altiparmak (Ankara University, Turkey): Pre-trial detention rights and access to justice
9.00 Prof. dr. Margo Schlanger (Michigan University, USA): Solitary Confinement
11.00 Maya Foa (Reprieve) The Death Penalty
13.00 Soraya Bauwens (Reprieve) The Death Penalty and Terrorism
15.00 Judge Michael O'Boyle (European Court Human Rights): The international protection of the right to life
18:30 Live Stream One Young World President Theron Meron (ICC) A life dedicated to International Law
19.00 Prof dr. Barbara Oomen (Utrecht, Netherlands) Human Rights Cities
21.00: Prof. dr. Felisa Tibbitts (Utrecht University, Netherlands): Human rights education for personal and social transformation
23.00: Rector Magnificus Prof. Carel Stolker LLM (Leiden University, Netherlands): Free Speech on Campus
1.00-10:00 The Ideas Bazar
This space is reserved for individual contributions sent in audio format (that meet the credentials specified in the document online) before 17 October.
Live from The Hague, Wijnhaven, a panel will answer questions from a world wide audience
When you leave the discussion, you will each be invited to record ‘the one thing’ that you will take away from the teach-out. This online discussion on legal and civic rights around the globe is unique in trying to address justice, peace, liberty and freedom at this scale.
We have chosen podcasts to lighten the download time out of respect for areas that have less access to the internet. We want the community to be as inclusive as possible. The official language is English, but we encourage local meet ups so you can continue offline in your own native language.
Global Human Rights Teach-out Timetable
Revision date 17-10-2018
WEDNESDAY 17 OCTOBER (Leiden Time which is UTC/GMT +2 )
10.00 Prof dr Stephen Angle (Wesleyan University, USA): Is “human rights” a Western concept?
12.00 Dr. Jeff Handmaker (ISS, Erasmus University, Netherlands): Legal Mobilization of Human Rights in a Time of Crisis
14.00 : Ass. Prof. dr. Jorge Contesse (Rutgers, State University New Jersey, USA): The pushback against international human rights institutions and how they may respond
16.00 Prof. dr. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas (Åbo Akademi University Vasa, Finland): Linguistic Human Rights and Linguistic Genocide in Education
18.00 Prof. dr. Robert Phillipson (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark): Myths about ‘global’ English, and the weaknesses of the HR/EU system on actionable human rights
20.00 Dr Kate Gilmore ((Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations, Australia): How do Human Rights and SDG’s connect?
22.00 Dr. Christophe Golay (University of Geneva, Switzerland): The synergies between Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the SDGs
1.00 Prof. dr. Niamh Reilly (National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland): 25 years of women’s rights as human rights: gains, gaps and opportunities
3.00 Dr. Nurul Huda Mohd Razif (IIAS, Leiden University, Netherlands) The Human Rights of Women in Marriage
5.00 Selin Dilli (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NL): Formal and Informal discrimination of women by economic institutions.
7.00 Chris Hoffman (World Vision) Rights of the Child
10.00 Ass. Prof. Dr. Ezequiel González Ocantos (Nuffield College, University of Oxford, UK) Bringing dictators to account
12:10 LiveStream One Young World plenary session: Kumi Naidoo (Secretary General Amnesty) SDGs, where do human rights fit in?
14.00 Prof. dr. Alejandro Anaya-Muñoz (ITESO, Mexico): The role of willingness in the compliance with international human rights norms
16:07 Livestream One Young World: Amber Heard The world’s most vulnerable people: why we need to do more to help refugees
17:00 Prof. dr. Sarah Joseph (Monash University, Australia): Business and Human rights
19:00 Dan Owen, Anna Autio and Oliver Mukarji (Worldbank) World Bank: Applying Human Rights in Practice
21:00 Prof. Kees Waaldijk LLM (Leiden University, Netherlands): Same-sex couples and the international human right to marry
23.00 Prof. dr. Jayne Huckerby (Duke University, USA): Human rights in the context of combating trafficking in persons
1.00 Prof. dr. Megan Glick (Wesleyan University, USA): The figure of the "animal" in human rights discourses
3.00 Dr. Dean Spielmann ( former pres European court Human Rights, ): The principle of subsidiarity and the international protection of human rights
5.00 Andrew Stroehlein (Human Rights Watch) Rise of authoritarian populism in the West
7.00 dr. Kerem Altiparmak (Ankara University, Turkey): Pre-trial detention rights and access to justice
9.00 Prof. dr. Margo Schlanger (Michigan University, USA): Solitary Confinement
11.00 Maya Foa (Reprieve) The Death Penalty
13.00 Soraya Bauwens (Reprieve) The Death Penalty and Terrorism
15.00 Judge Michael O'Boyle (European Court Human Rights): The international protection of the right to life
18:30 Live Stream One Young World President Theron Meron (ICC) A life dedicated to International Law
19.00 Prof dr. Barbara Oomen (Utrecht, Netherlands) Human Rights Cities
21.00: Prof. dr. Felisa Tibbitts (Utrecht University, Netherlands): Human rights education for personal and social transformation
23.00: Rector Magnificus Prof. Carel Stolker LLM (Leiden University, Netherlands): Free Speech on Campus
1.00-10:00 The Ideas Bazar
This space is reserved for individual contributions sent in audio format (that meet the credentials specified in the document online) before 17 October.
Live from The Hague, Wijnhaven, a panel will answer questions from a world wide audience