The course is aimed at the level of students entering university, and seeks to provide an inter-disciplinary introduction to what is a broad field. It engages a number of experts from the University of Exeter and a number of partner organisations.
The course will set contemporary human-caused climate change within the context of past nature climate variability. Then it will take a risk communication approach, balancing the ‘bad news’ about climate change impacts on natural and human systems with the ‘good news’ about potential solutions. These solutions can help avoid the most dangerous climate changes and increase the resilience of societies and ecosystems to those climate changes that cannot be avoided.
Please join the discussion with your fellow learners and, if you’d like to follow the Exeter team, please look us up on Facebook and Twitter.
Professor Tim Lenton and Dr Damien Mansell hosted an AMA about Climate Change on Reddit on 19th January 2017. You can catch up with the AMA on Reddit to read their responses, and will have the opportunity to ask your own questions in a live Q&A session during the final week of this course.
No previous experience or qualifications required.