MongoDB is the leading open source NoSQL database. In this course you'll build schemas, structure models and learn to query MongoDB to get the right data. Learn the core concepts to build production-ready applications with MongoDB!
- Course Setup
- Mongo Q&A
- Schemas & Why Mongoose
- Connecting to the Database
- Creating Schemas & Models
- Creating a Mongo Document
- Deconstructing the Mongoose Document
- Mongoose Schemas
- Basic Query Methods
- Schema & CRUD Exercise
- Schema Solution
- CRUD Solution
- Creating Associations with a Nested Schema
- Querying Associations with populate
- Querying Q&A
- Querying with Filters and Modifiers
- Associations Exercise
- Associations Solution
- Add Similar Posts Solution
- Virtuals
- Middleware Hooks: Pre, Post & Async
- Indexes
- Compound Indexes
- Virtuals, Hooks & Indexes Exercise
- Virtuals, Hooks & Indexes Solution
- Use Express to Build a REST API
- Pagination
- Create a Document on POST Request
- Mongoose Query Optimizations
- Running Express
- Build a REST API Exercise
- Build a REST API Solution
- Running a Server Q&A
- MongoDB Q&A
- Modeling Data Q&A
- Other Mongo Tools & Resources
Taught by
Scott Moss