More than an introduction, you'll build your first website and get a solid foundation for becoming a professional web developer with modern skills! By coding along in this course, you'll get experience writing HTML, styling your pages with CSS, and learning how to program JavaScript. By the end of this course, you will build a clone of Wordle, an app that sold to the New York Times for over a million dollars!
- Introduction
- Tools
- Tags
- Common HTML Tags
- Input & Form Tags
- Tables, Comments & Hard Returns
- Attributes, Classes, & IDs
- Organizing HTML
- Head & Meta Tags
- HTML Project
- HTML Project Runthrough
- CSS Overview & Rules
- CSS Playground
- CSS Cascade
- IDs & !important
- Pseudo-classes
- Pseudo-elements
- CSS Box Model
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- CSS Animations
- Newspaper Layout
- CSS Project
- CSS Project Solution: HTML
- CSS Project Solution: CSS
- CSS Project Q&A
- JavaScript Intro
- JavaScript Basics Overview
- Adding JavaScript to a Website
- Numbers, Strings & Booleans
- Control Flow
- Loops
- Loop Exercise
- Loop Solution
- Functions
- Scope
- Scope Example
- Builtins
- Objects
- Context
- Arrays
- Iterating Through an Array
- Code to Website Overview
- The DOM
- Events and Listeners
- JavaScript Calculator Project Setup
- JavaScript Project: Setup & Event Handling
- JavaScript Project: UI Behavior
- JavaScript Project: Math Operators
- JSON APIs Overview
- Making an API Request
- Async Await
- Word Game Project Demo
- isLetter Function
- Word Game Project Overview
- Project HTML & CSS
- Project JavaScript: Event Listener
- Project JavaScript: Handling Input
- Project JavaScript: Loading State
- Project JavaScript: Commit Word
- Project JavaScript: Game Loop, Win, & Lose
- Project JavaScript: Validate Word
- Project JavaScript: Winning Indicator
- Using JavaScript Libraries
- Building a Project with Parcel
- Git & GitHub Overview
- Wrapping Up
Taught by
Brian Holt