) Intro / showcase .
) Quick planning.
) Canvas project setup.
) Trying to remember how drawImage works :-)).
) Figured out I need to let it load first.
) Helper code for getting coordinates.
) Beginning procedural drawing.
) Normalizing the space for symmetrical drawing.
) Control point for head rotation.
) Slider for head x rotation.
) Rotating the head on X.
) Rotating the head on Y.
) Adding more control points.
) Drawing eyes.
) Styling the eyes.
) Drawing the beard.
) Drawing the nose.
) Spoiler (I never get the nose to look better).
) Drawing hair.
) Skin, Neck & Body .
) Drawing the clothes.
) Some fine-tuning.
) Drawing the ears.
) Polishing and commenting code.
) Camera setup.
) Image processing: Isolating blue pixels.
) Moving avatar with camera.
) Plan for day 2 (Important).
) Code refactoring with OOP.
) Ditching the idea* above and sticking to point A.
) Linear algebra.
) Particle system.
) Constraints (segments).
) Dynamic front hair skeleton .
) Dynamic back hair skeleton.
) Sliders to control the mouth.
) Real-time face tracking .
) Recognizing facial markers.
) Solving the 'fidgiting' problem by averaging.
) On averaging points.
) Side-points of mouth.
) Quick demo and quick planning.
) Working with pre-recorded video.
) Multi-input support in interface.
) Styling front hair.
) Styling back hair.
) Adding side hair.
) Debugging option.
) Shirt strings .
) Extensive testing.
) Final touches.
) Trying to fix nose, then gave up (too tired & found some bug).
) Final testing, writing instructions and last thoughts.
Taught by