Build a full-stack social media application using the MERNG stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node, and GraphQL) in this comprehensive 6-hour course. Master the implementation of a GraphQL server that communicates with a MongoDB database to fetch and persist data for a social media app backend. Explore key concepts including user authentication, CRUD operations for posts and comments, and client-side development with React and Apollo. Progress through hands-on lessons covering database setup, server creation, user registration and login, post management, comment functionality, and UI design with Semantic UI. Conclude by deploying the finished application to Heroku and Netlify, gaining practical experience in modern web development techniques and best practices.
) Intro & app demo.
) GraphQL explained + tech used .
) Server demonstration.
) Setting Up Database & Server.
) Register & Login Users.
) Authentication middleware & Create/Delete posts.
) Finishing up the server.
) Client start & Apollo setup.
) Semantic UI & Routes.
) Displaying posts.
) Login & Register pages.
) Authentication Context.
) Adding posts.
) Like Button.
) Single post page.
) Displaying, Adding & Deleting Comments.
) Info Popups.
) Deployment to Heroku & Netlify.
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