) Introduction.
) Live Preview.
) Tools Needed.
) Introduction to .NET Core.
) Dependency Injection.
) Create Project.
) Hot Reload.
) Razor Pages Introduction.
) Project File .
) Launchsettings, wwwroot and appsettings.
) Programs.
) Routing Overview.
) Default Views.
) Tag Helper.
) Action Rersult.
) Create Category Model.
) Data Annotations.
) Connection String.
) ApplicationDbContext.
) Program.cs Database Settings.
) Setup Program.cs to use DbContext.
) Create Database.
) Categories Get Action Method.
) Display all categories.
) Add Create Category Button.
) Create Category UI.
) Create Property in Page Model.
) Create Category and Bind Property.
) Bootswatch.
) Server Side Validations.
) Custom Validations.
) Display Name and Range Annotation.
) Client Side Validations.
) Links for Edit and Delete.
) Edit Category.
) Back to List.
) Delete Category.
) TempData.
) Toastr.
) Partial Views.
) Scaffold CRUD Pages.
) Create SQL Database on Azure.
) Deploy to Azure.
) Congratulations.
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