⌨️ Intro
⌨️ Finished project
⌨️ Starting Next.js
⌨️ Starting Sanity.io
⌨️ Overview of Sanity.io
⌨️ Sanity.io Manage Dashboard
⌨️ GROQ query language
⌨️ Embedding the Sanity Studio
⌨️ Routing in Next.js 13
⌨️ next-sanity library
⌨️ First Sanity schema
⌨️ Displaying data
⌨️ First GROQ query
⌨️ Mapping over projects
⌨️ Setting up TypeScript types
⌨️ Adding TailwindCSS
⌨️ More on the Studio
⌨️ Images in Next.js 13
⌨️ Individual project pages
⌨️ Styling project pages
⌨️ The NavBar
⌨️ Next.js organizational folders
⌨️ Pages schema
⌨️ Deploying to Vercel
⌨️ Sanity real-time updates
⌨️ Recap
⌨️ Outro
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