⌨️ Introduction
⌨️ Topics Covered
⌨️ Why Minimal API?
⌨️ Create Project
⌨️ Comparing Files Minimal vs Standard
⌨️ Program file changes
⌨️ Clean Program class file
⌨️ API Basics
⌨️ What is API?
⌨️ Request and response
⌨️ Request Object
⌨️ Response Object
⌨️ httpverb
⌨️ Create First Endpoint
⌨️ Return Types
⌨️ Route Parameters
⌨️ Create Coupon Model and Coupon Store
⌨️ Get All Endpoint
⌨️ Get Individual Coupon
⌨️ Create Coupon
⌨️ Name Endpoints
⌨️ Products and Accepts in Minimal API
⌨️ Dependency Injection in Minimal API
⌨️ Add DTOs
⌨️ AutoMapper and Dependency Injection
⌨️ Fluent Validators
⌨️ Async Endpoints
⌨️ API Response
⌨️ Assignment - Put and Delete
⌨️ Assignment Solution - Put and Delete Endpoints
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