) Kubernetes for Beginners Introduction.
) What is Kubernetes.
) What is Pod.
) Kubernetes Cluster and Nodes.
) Kubernetes Services.
) What is kubectl.
) Software required for this course.
) Installing kubectl.
) Installing Minikube.
) Cleating Kubernetes cluster using Minikube.
) Exploring the Kubernetes node.
) Creating just single Pod.
) Exploring Kubernetes Pod.
) Creating alias for the kubectl command.
) Creating and exploring Deployment.
) Connecting to one of the Pods using its IP address.
) What is Service.
) Creating and exploring ClusterIP Service.
) Connecting to the Deployment using ClusterIP Service.
) Deleting Deployment and Service.
) Creating Node web application.
) Dockerizing Node application.
) Pushing custom image to the Docker Hub.
) Creating deployment based on the custom Docker image.
) Scaling custom image deployment.
) Creating NodePort Service.
) Creating LoadBalancer Service.
) Rolling update of the deployment.
) What happens when one of the pods is deleted.
) Kubernetes Dashboard.
) Creating YAML deployment specification file.
) How to use Kubernetes documentation.
) Applying YAML deployment file.
) Creating YAML service specification file.
) Plan for the creation of the two deployments.
) Creating another web app with two endpoints.
) Building custom Docker image for the second web app.
) Creating YAML specification for the second web app.
) Creating YAML specification for the NGINX app.
) Applying specifications for both apps.
) Verifying connectivity between different deployments.
) Resolving Service name to IP address.
) Deleting both applications.
) Changing Container Runtime from Docker to CRI-O.
) Deploying apps using CRI-O container runtime.
) Verifying connectivity between deployments.
) Wrap-Up.
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