⌨️ Install Intellij IDEA
⌨️ Hello World
⌨️ Keywords Explained
⌨️ Variables
⌨️ Variables: int. byte and long
⌨️ Datatype: short
⌨️ Datatypes: float and double
⌨️ Datatypes: boolean and char
⌨️ Operators and Operations
⌨️ if statement
⌨️ else if and logical NOT operator
⌨️ Nested ifs
⌨️ logical AND operator
⌨️ logical OR operator
⌨️ SWITCH statement
⌨️ enhanced SWITCH
⌨️ FOR loop
⌨️ while and do while loop
⌨️ Functions
⌨️ Functions return
⌨️ Arrays
⌨️ Arrays Challenge
⌨️ Classes
⌨️ Classes getters and setters
⌨️ OOP: constructors
⌨️ OOP: inheritance
⌨️ static keyword
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