Build a Java Android app that fetches and displays weather data using REST API and the Volley library. Learn to handle JSON data, create a RequestQueue, design a Singleton, and implement async network communications. Explore how to parse JSON files using Volley's JsonArrayRequest and JsonArrayObject methods. Develop a weather app that retrieves forecasts by city name, demonstrating practical application of REST API concepts in Android development. Gain hands-on experience with layout design, button click listeners, and efficient data fetching techniques for mobile applications.
) REST API explained: JSON vs XML.
) Introduction to the Android Weather App.
) Design the Layout.
) Button onClick Listeners.
) Request JSON Data with Volley.
) Singleton Request Queue in Volley.
) Callbacks for Async Requests.
) Fetch One JSONObject from an Array.
) JSONArrayRequest with Volley.
) Fetch JASONArray with Volley.
) Get Forecast by City Name.
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