) Intro.
) How websites work.
) Intro to HTML and CSS.
) Server and Client Model.
) What is a component?.
) Intro To Design Tools .
) Starter project files.
) Terminals.
) Creating the project.
) Creating our index.html file.
) HTML Body Tag.
) HTML heading tags.
) HTML Basics.
) HTML Syntax.
) CSS Basics.
) Adding CSS To our HTML.
) CSS Selectors.
) HTML, CSS and JS.
) The Div Tag.
) CSS Variables.
) Adding the background image.
) Adding background colors.
) DevTools.
) CSS Inheritance .
) CSS Specificity.
) Adding the card title.
) Adding the card image.
) Building the card .
) The CSS Box Model.
) CSS Box Model in action.
) CSS Shorthands.
) Default styles.
) Box-sizing.
) Styling the card.
) Adding the front.
) The CSS Overflow Property.
) The Button tag.
) Styling the buttons .
) Building the plan container.
) Adding the change link.
) Styling the plan container .
) Centering content in the card .
) Centering the card .
) Final tweaks.
) Outro .
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