Full Stack Dating App with Next.js 14 - Build and Deploy with Prisma, NextAuth, Pusher and Cloudinary
via freeCodeCamp
Course Introduction
Lesson 1: Set up Next.js, NextUI, and initial routing
Lesson 2: Create Login and Registration with validation
Lesson 3: Authentication & Database setup with Prisma
Lesson 4: Displaying Members List & Dynamic Routing
Lesson 5: Build Like Feature with Prisma Relations
Lesson 6: Editing Profiles & Cloudinary Image Uploads
Lesson 7: Real-Time Chat with Pusher
Lesson 8: Presence Indicators with Pusher & Zustand
Lesson 9: Filtering and Pagination
Lesson 10: Email Verification & Password Reset
Lesson 11: Adding OAuth Social Logins
Lesson 12: Adding User Roles & Admin Content
Lesson 13: Deploy to Vercel & Final Testing
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