⌨️ React Roadmap
⌨️ Create react projects
⌨️ Understand the react flow and structure
⌨️ Create your own react library and JSX
⌨️ Why you need hooks and project
⌨️ Virtual DOM, Fibre and reconciliation
⌨️ Tailwind and Props in reactjs
⌨️ Building a react project . bgChanger
⌨️ useEffect, useRef and useCallback with 1 project
⌨️ Custom hooks in react . currency Project
⌨️ React router crash course
⌨️ Context API in react . get the concept
⌨️ Build a dark mode light mode in reactjs with context api
⌨️ Context API with local Storage
⌨️ Building a full stack project with react and appwrite
⌨️ Exploring the new docs of appwrite
⌨️ All that you need to know about Appwrite Auth
⌨️ Appwrite Databases, Query and Storage - All that you need
⌨️ Setting up redux store and protecing pages in react
⌨️ Debugging for protected routes
⌨️ Learn to create production components
⌨️ React hook form and TinyMCE editor in react
⌨️ Parsing HTML in react components
⌨️ Prepare all pages with components
⌨️ Debugging the mega project
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