Frontend Web Development: In-Depth Project Tutorial (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React)
via freeCodeCamp
⌨️ Introduction, resources, and prerequisites
⌨️ Project setup and VSCode extensions
⌨️ Build the UI with HTML and CSS
⌨️ Add JavaScript interactivity to the project
⌨️ Introduction to the MVC pattern
⌨️ Refactoring app with TypeScript
⌨️ Setting up TypeScript from scratch, what are benefits?
⌨️ Start of refactor from Vanilla JavaScript to TypeScript
⌨️ Why should you refactor your app to React?
⌨️ The many ways to set up a React app
⌨️ Setting up React from scratch
⌨️ Initializing TypeScript in a React app from scratch
⌨️ Refactoring vanilla app to React app
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