⌨️ Introduction
⌨️ Let's Build a Mobile App with Firebase
⌨️ Setting up app skeleton
⌨️ Adding CSS
⌨️ Aside: Firebase Realtime Database
⌨️ Adding Firebase to project
⌨️ Security Rules
⌨️ innerHTML to append li to ul
⌨️ Refactoring
⌨️ Aside: Turning an Object into an Array
⌨️ Aside: Fetching database items in realtime using onValue
⌨️ Updating items in realtime
⌨️ For loop to render database items
⌨️ Let's smash the bug
⌨️ Aside: Flexbox flex-wrap
⌨️ Aside: Flexbox gap
⌨️ Adding CSS for li to wrap items
⌨️ Getting ID of item in database
⌨️ Replacing innerHTML with createElement
⌨️ Aside: Removing items from Firebase
⌨️ Removing an item when clicked
⌨️ Only fetching items from database if snapshot exists
⌨️ Adding hover styles to buttons
⌨️ Aside: user-select
⌨️ Aside: Setting the viewport
⌨️ Making the app more mobile-friendly
⌨️ Aside: Favicon
⌨️ Adding favicon and phone icons
⌨️ Aside: Web Application Manifest
⌨️ Turning web app into "mobile" app
⌨️ Personalise your app
⌨️ Deploy to Netlify
⌨️ Add app to home screen
⌨️ Share your creation
⌨️ Recap
⌨️ Outro + Credits
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