Code a playable Minecraft clone using React, JavaScript, and Three.js in this comprehensive tutorial. Learn essential React concepts like useState, useEffect, useRef, and custom Hooks for state management while building a 3D game. Explore topics such as creating a sky and ground, implementing player movement and first-person camera, managing game state, adding and removing cubes, selecting textures, and saving the world. Apply these principles to develop other 3D games in JavaScript, following along with provided starting code and a finished demo.
⌨️ Boilerplate
⌨️ Sky
⌨️ Textures
⌨️ Ground
⌨️ Player
⌨️ Keyboard input
⌨️ Movement
⌨️ First person camera
⌨️ State management
⌨️ Cube component
⌨️ Add/Remove Cubes
⌨️ Texture Selector
⌨️ Save world
⌨️ Hover cubes
⌨️ Outro
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