Android Programming Course - Kotlin, Jetpack Compose UI, Graph Data Structures & Algorithms
via freeCodeCamp
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Introduction & Overview: Topics, Source.
App Design Approach: 3rd Party Library Minimalism & MV-Whatever Architecture.
Domain package: Repository Pattern, Enum, Data Class, Sealed Class, Hash Code, Interfaces.
Common package: Extension Functions & Variables, Open-Closed Principle (OCP), Abstract Class, Singleton.
Persistence (Storage) package: Clean Architecture Back End w/ Java File System Storage, Jetpack Proto Datastore.
UI package: Jetpack Compose UI Basics, Styles, Typography, Light & Dark Themes.
UI Components package: Modifiers, Reusable Toolbar & Loading Screens.
UI Active Game Feature package: Presentation Logic & ViewModel w/ Coroutines, Kotlin Function Types.
UI Active Game Feature package: Sudoku Game with Jetpack Compose UI & Activity Container.
Computation Logic package: Overview, design, and testing of Graph DS & Algos for n-sized *square* Sudokus.
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