Study the influence of society and social media on how we perceive mental health
The more we understand about mental health and mental illness, the more we can challenge and reduce social stigma.
On this course, you’ll learn what the mental health continuum is and why it’s important to learn about mental health in this way. You’ll enhance your mental health knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of mental illness through an exploration of some prevalent mental disorders.
You’ll also consider how social media impacts the way we perceive mental health and assess how our culture and society influence how we view and respond to mental illness.
The course has been created for anyone interested in learning more about mental health and mental illness and the influencing roles of social media and culture upon these.
It will be particularly useful for anyone interested in pursuing a career or further study in the field of mental health, such as our MSc Mental Health.
The more we understand about mental health and mental illness, the more we can challenge and reduce social stigma.