Erlang is a functional programming language, used for creating real-time distributed systems, which can easily scale in size.
It's best for concurrent applications, such as instant messaging and banking platforms, as each function call has their own process and operates independently. This is useful as code can run for a very long time without issues occurring. Also, processes and message passing are all built into the language by default - no need for any extra libraries!
- Hello World
- Two Fer
- Leap
- Accumulate
- Collatz Conjecture
- Raindrops
- Rna Transcription
- Bob
- Strain
- Hamming
- Space Age
- Darts
- Queen Attack
- Diamond
- Difference Of Squares
- Series
- Custom Set
- Triangle
- Prime Factors
- Roman Numerals
- Saddle Points
- Complex Numbers
- Rational Numbers
- Beer Song
- Anagram
- Sieve
- Change
- Meetup
- Palindrome Products
- Minesweeper
- Dominoes
- Armstrong Numbers
- Perfect Numbers
- Sum Of Multiples
- Parallel Letter Frequency
- Forth
- Pascals Triangle
- Secret Handshake
- Allergies
- Bank Account
- Poker
- Connect
- List Ops
- Protein Translation
- Scrabble Score
- All Your Base
- Spiral Matrix
- Gigasecond
- Grade School
- Sublist
- Largest Series Product
- Satellite
- Zipper
- Isbn Verifier
- Run Length Encoding
- Simple Linked List
- Clock
- Variable Length Quantity
- Luhn
- Pythagorean Triplet
- Atbash Cipher
- Nth Prime
- Transpose
- Word Count
- Etl
- Circular Buffer
- Phone Number
- Robot Simulator
- Rotational Cipher
- Crypto Square
- Rail Fence Cipher
- Book Store
- Grains
- Isogram
- Nucleotide Count
- Pangram
- Matching Brackets