The lesson is dedicated to European Cross Border Cases in Practice and other international issues and it is part of the e-learning course "e-Regulations in practice" undertaken under the Project "EU law training in English language: blended and integrated content and language training for European notaries and judges" co-financed by the Justice Programme of the European Union. The project is coordinated by the Fondazione Italiana del Notariato in partnership with the Cassa Nazionale del Notariato, the International Association of Judges, the Hungarian Chamber of Civil Law Notaries and the Notary Chamber of Bulgaria.
Please find more information on the Project website at:
The course deals with cases and issues related to the application of the EU Regulations 650/2012, 1103/2016 and 1104/2016 respectively on successions, matrimonial property regimes and property consequences of registered partnerships.
Each lesson is delivered in English language, following the C.L.I.L. (Content and Language Integrated Learning) didactic methodology adopted in the Project, and is divided into several teaching units that are available on the present MOOC platform.

Access to the final test is possible after having accessed 80% of the entire course, meaning 80% of each lesson.