ECMAScript has had some nice additions to the spec in the last couple years.
Some features might not be relevant to most of us (if you've used Atomics.waitAsync in production please let us know).
But, there are quite a few that we can start using in the everyday code we write!
In this course, Tomasz covers:
* Array grouping
* Lazy iterator helpers
* New types of operators: logical, assignment, and optional
* Numeric separators
* ... and more!
You'll probably find that you start reaching for a couple of these often. They're all decent quality of life improvements!
[Get started with the first lesson](
- Group data by keys using JavaScript Array Grouping (Object.groupBy)
- Find Items from the end of the JavaScript Array using at, findLast and findLastIndex
- Perform Set Operations using JavaScript Set Methods
- Make JavaScript computations lazy using Iterator Helpers
- Simplify array immutable changes with the new array.with method
- Simplify JavaScript code with Logical, Assignment and Optional Operators
- Manually settle a promise using Promise.withResolvers
- Manage Asynchronous JavaScript code with any, allSettled new Promise Methods
- Make JavaScript Numbers more readable using Numeric Separators
- Improve Application-wide Error Handling rethrowing JavaScript Error with the Error Cause
Taught by
Tomasz Ducin