This collection of lessons will give you some practical tips and tricks to create faster and more reliable Angular applications. They are highly inspired by the content published on by Minko Gechev and Stephen Fluin.
What you'll learn here is how to..
improve an app's TTI via route-level code splitting and lazy loading
implement a loading indicator for lazy loaded routes
improve performance via preloading all lazy modules
implement a custom preloading strategy
preload lazy loaded modules with the Angular CLI
optimize Angular's Change Detection
implement virtual scrolling for large lists with the Angular CDK
add client-side precaching with Angular and service workers
That said, have fun
What you'll learn here is how to..
improve an app's TTI via route-level code splitting and lazy loading
implement a loading indicator for lazy loaded routes
improve performance via preloading all lazy modules
implement a custom preloading strategy
preload lazy loaded modules with the Angular CLI
optimize Angular's Change Detection
implement virtual scrolling for large lists with the Angular CDK
add client-side precaching with Angular and service workers
That said, have fun