The course is divided into sections, during which will be reflected and will practice on research and evaluation of information on the net and on the copyright applied to materials and resources available on the Net and useful for teaching. What are the information problems that we may need to deal with? What are the skills involved? How to assess the reliability of information on the net? What are copyright and intellectual property? How to apply the copyright in the training and digital works in education? How to respect the norm and what are the exceptions and possible violations? What are the differences between analog and digital compared to these issues? These are some of the questions that we will try to answer during this corso.Il course is held over two weeks, the second week of each section is dedicated to addressing the final test, but it remains open until the end of the entire route Didatech . The course is intended for academic educators and teachers of the University of Parma and other Italian universities. It 'also open to doctoral students and post-graduate educational courses targeted to obtain training and skills for teaching.
L'uso consapevole di Internet nella didattica
University of Parma via EduOpen
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