Explore creative knitting techniques to bring to life authentic-looking animal creatures and customize them using different patterns and shapes
With needles and yarn, knitting pattern designer Claire Garland creates realistic-looking stuffed animals which she sells online and shares with over 120K followers on Instagram. She has also written and published several books on her expertise, including Magical Woodland Knits.
In this online course, Claire teaches you how to shape and sculpt furry creatures from yarn. Knit a puppy from start to finish and discover techniques that can be applied to all kinds of different animals. Ready to bring your own cuddly toys to life?
- Introduction
- Preparation: Tool Kit and Stitches
- Creating the Basic Puppy Head
- Body and Final Details
- Final project
With needles and yarn, knitting pattern designer Claire Garland creates realistic-looking stuffed animals which she sells online and shares with over 120K followers on Instagram. She has also written and published several books on her expertise, including Magical Woodland Knits.
In this online course, Claire teaches you how to shape and sculpt furry creatures from yarn. Knit a puppy from start to finish and discover techniques that can be applied to all kinds of different animals. Ready to bring your own cuddly toys to life?