Make it easy to visualize, explore, and impute missing data with naniar, a tidyverse friendly approach to missing data.
Missing data is part of any real world data analysis. It can crop up in unexpected places, making analyses challenging to understand. In this course, you will learn how to use tidyverse tools and the naniar R package to visualize missing values. You'll tidy missing values so they can be used in analysis and explore missing values to find bias in the data. Lastly, you'll reveal other underlying patterns of missingness. You will also learn how to "fill in the blanks" of missing values with imputation models, and how to visualize, assess, and make decisions based on these imputed datasets.
Missing data is part of any real world data analysis. It can crop up in unexpected places, making analyses challenging to understand. In this course, you will learn how to use tidyverse tools and the naniar R package to visualize missing values. You'll tidy missing values so they can be used in analysis and explore missing values to find bias in the data. Lastly, you'll reveal other underlying patterns of missingness. You will also learn how to "fill in the blanks" of missing values with imputation models, and how to visualize, assess, and make decisions based on these imputed datasets.