Old-fashioned artistry joins Pepper Cory’s no-nonsense approach to making beautiful things out of the fabrics you have on hand. As you discover how to make creative choices with your scrap quilting stash, you’ll learn Puss in the Corner, Trip Around the World and variations on Log Cabin and string quilts. Pepper lives the “Waste Not, Want Not” approach, sewing on a vintage machine, paper piecing with old phone books and finding new uses for paper plates, masking tape, drinking straws, flannel sheets and her clothes dryer. You’ll embellish quilts with stenciling and add a hand-appliqued, mitered border. As a bonus, you’ll learn how to sharpen your rotary cutter blades instead of throwing them away! Award-winning teacher Pepper Cory makes it all fun. Learn new twists on traditional quilting in this wonderful class.
- Class Preview
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Travel Pillow
- Puss in the Corner
- Phone Book Quilts
- Log Cabin: The Verb
- Bonus: Stenciling
- Bonus: Sharpening Your Rotary Cutter
Taught by
Pepper Cory